The 46th Annual "Know Your Candidates Night"

Held On April 15, 2010
At The
Congregational Christian Church of Somerset
United Church of Christ
Moderated By Gregory N. Baker, Minister

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Introduction, Pledge of Allegiance and The Star Spangled Banner

Question 1: The Amesbury Massachusetts water department recently pulled fluoride from its system amid toxic concerns about the supply from China. Currently there are 44 of the 132 cities who also receive their fluoride supply from China. Is Somerset one of those towns, and as fluoride supplements are only available by prescription from a doctor are you willing to go on record for continuation or removal of any fluoridation of our drinking water supply?

Question 2 After yesterday’s meeting at the North Elementary, are they as individuals in support of regionalization for 9 to 12, not K to12 and which spreadsheet do they support— (1) The Somerset Berkley Committee or the superintendent’s idea and figures as indicated in the Wednesday night meeting at North Elementary? I say 9 to 12 because the 66% is for 9 to 12.

Question 3: What would you do to save the town money and would you do it if you had to step on some toes or reduce services to the town?

Question 4: If Berkley can’t pay their fair share over the years, what is going to happen? How does that reflect back on Somerset. Who is going to pick up the tab?

Question 5: As voted to explore whether to give Walgreen's tax relief, should Walgreen's be given a break on their taxes?

Question 6: Weavers Cove, LNG representatives constantly remind us of how much money they will be pouring into Somerset and Fall River if their facility is built. The question is, where do you stand on the issue as to Weavers Cove's proposed LNG project, and if you are opposed, how do you intend to help stop it? If you are for the proposal, why are you for the proposal?

Question 7: We are very overdue for redistricting, since several children from Prospect Street area go to North Elementary when they are closer to South School, and possibly Chace. How do you feel about redistricting?

Question 8: What is your opinion of the town’s recent purchase of 10 acres of land on Palmer Street, and how would you like to see this utilized?

Question 9: Other than regionalization, what would you say is the most important area of focus that you would have if elected, or what is the biggest challenge facing Somerset, other than regionalization?

Question 10: This is for the Board of Selectmen. I may have one more question, depending on how they answer this. It’s about Almy Road, and the question is, is it going to be restored back to its new condition?

Closing Remarks: Gregory N. Baker, Minister

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