For Businesses
The Somerset Historical Society invites you to their upcoming events.
Location: 274 Main Street, Somerset, MA 02726
Mailing address: P.O. Box 53
Phone: 508.675.9010
Museum Hours: 2nd and 4th Sundays from 2-4pm, Tuesday Mornings or by appointment
New Website:
Older Website:

On December 13th from 1-5pm is the 2nd Annual Holiday Open House. Enjoy the sound of the New England Tuba quartet (1-1:45pm) and photos with Santa (2-5pm). A Winter Wonderland Train will be presented by Ron Ricci. The Garden Club will be raffling of green floral arrangements. Nancy's Bakery will be decorating cookies with the children. The Museum is open for tours.
On February 1st at 7pm Mary ann McDonald will talk about the Revolutionary War and some of the peoples personalities at that time.
On March 1st (time to be annocunced), David Jennings talks about Pirates of New England. For more information visit
On April 5th Diane Goodwin will talk about her Somerset Historical Research.
On May 3rd will be a workshop to create figures for the memorial exhibit for the Month of May to help honor the people who died in Iraq.
On June 7th Clair Cabral will talk about snapshots of Somerset.
There will be an Art Exhibit during the months of June and July
If you or someone you know has a passion for War History, Native American History, Antique Tools or any other interest in history please let the Historical Society know! They would like to hear from people who can share their knowledge and interest, and volunteer at the Somerset Historical Society.
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