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Somerset Public Safety Day

See more coverage of the Somerset Public Safety Day here!
Public Safety Day
By Donna Motta
If you ever wondered what it feels like to be hit by a police Taser gun check out our photographs and video of Reserve Police Officer Donald Cormier who volunteered to serve as a “criminal about to be subdued” via a real Taser Gun Demonstration during Public Safety Day in Somerset on Sunday.
Yes, that’s right.
Reserve Officer Cormier was shot with a Taser Gun for real. While two police officers held his
arms on either side, Officer Cormier fell to the ground immediately after being targeted then zapped
by the Taser gun. He groaned and lay on the ground as a full five second jolt of electricity surged
through his body, tensing his muscles and causing tremendous pain.
“It was the longest five seconds of my life,” Officer Cormier said. “I will never
volunteer again, although I have no regrets doing so today.”
The Taser Demonstration was one of many held during Public Safety Day, an annual event sponsored by the town’s police and fire departments. For video of interviews after the Taser demonstration click here *.
Swarms of folks turned out for Public Safety Day in Somerset. Sponsored by the town’s Police and
Fire Departments, the event was a huge success with everyone pointing out that this year’s turnout
was the biggest ever.
The amazing part of the sunny, hot day was that everything was free, including food and beverages, which
were generously donated by corporate sponsors. (See list below.) There was a bouncy house for the children,
and Home Depot sponsored a table whereby youngsters had the opportunity to build their own bird house out
of wood and screws. The City of Fall River was also generous enough to allow the town to set up its Fire
Safety House, a trailer that depicts a small “home” whereby children of all ages could learn
first hand about various safety issues, including how to escape the home should a fire erupt. One of the
doors in the house actually gets warm to the touch which shows the children what would really happen in the
event of a fire.
In addition, the Bristol County Sheriff’s Department, and the District Attorney’s office set up
tables with brochures explaining some of the information the public should know, from information on gangs
to how to handle your teenager to drunken driving consequences. The Town’s Fire Museum also had a
display of various historical photographs.
This was the fifth year of Public Safety Day in Somerset. The event is expected to be held yearly, with the continued donations and support of the community.
See more coverage of the Somerset Public Safety Day here!
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